Here's my FH2S challenge question: What's the last movie you saw in the theater?
Well, for us (funny how me goes away when you have kids), it was Ice Age 2. We loved it and Nathan was VERY entranced. I swear, give that kid a new movie and a bucket of popcorn and he's in his seat for the whole thing! But, that's really the first one we've been to. Before that, we went to March of the Penguins (mommy made a big mistake.... not good for kids! They were all over by the first 10 minutes!). And before that........ well, suffice to say that Nathan was less than 6 months old (he's 3 yrs/2 months right now) and we went to see Bad Santa.
Some day, I'll get to see a movie made for adults again with NO children..........
Monday, June 12, 2006
Thursday, June 08, 2006
FH2S Blog challenge and other tidbits....
Food!!! This is near and dear to my heart.... and very much on my mind lately. But I won't go into the entire psychodrama of my relationship with food... just my loves/hates:
LOVE: Chocolate (but not crazy type.... just one of my faves), anything fried, green beans, beef and noodles, meatloaf, grilled BBQ chicken breasts, Life cereal or sugar puffs.
Not a fan: Some fish... HATE cooking it, beets, minute rice (I really much prefer regular rice... nice and stout, not quite sticky, but stuck together), don't like flavored creamers or flavored coffee, Grape nuts (ick!), hmmm.... what else?
Anyways... that's it for the blog challenge.
I got on the treadmill today!! YEAH!!! One down... and my legs are GOING to hurt tomorrow!
LOVE: Chocolate (but not crazy type.... just one of my faves), anything fried, green beans, beef and noodles, meatloaf, grilled BBQ chicken breasts, Life cereal or sugar puffs.
Not a fan: Some fish... HATE cooking it, beets, minute rice (I really much prefer regular rice... nice and stout, not quite sticky, but stuck together), don't like flavored creamers or flavored coffee, Grape nuts (ick!), hmmm.... what else?
Anyways... that's it for the blog challenge.
I got on the treadmill today!! YEAH!!! One down... and my legs are GOING to hurt tomorrow!
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
He's off again....
Well, Dave left about an hour ago for KC... my folks are taking him so he's driving to Boonville and going from there. I'm sad that he had to leave so early, but he made his reservations. Now, of course, I can't get back to sleep.
Honestly, it wasn't that great of a visit. I guess I'm not in the best of moods anyways.. .that time of the month..... but it seems like everything I say goes in one ear and out the other. Last night, he had the kids out at the big play slide/fort thing. I SPECIFICALLY told him to keep a close eye on Emily because she likes to climb the 7 foot ladder and then gets to the top and wants to step down. I look out and he and Dave are looking off into the trees about 20 feet away and Em is on the LADDER!!! I almost had a heart attack! Steven fell off that ladder a few weeks ago and I'm scared! DUH.
Besides that, I specifically asked him to do the trimming and to NOT mow the grass... I can do that easily and Kristen is coming to babysit on Saturday. I have trouble managing the trimmer in the ditch by the mailbox and on the other end. I don't think he did it at all. I also specifically asked him to move the big things that I pulled out of the garden to behind the shed so I could mow and clean out that end of the garden. I HIGHLY doubt he did that either. But, of course he did mow... and of course he spent literally at least 7 hours doing it and didn't finish. So now, I have a yard that's 3/4 mowed, not trimmed and has big piles of clippings pushed next to the trees (Not attractive).
Plus, I came home Monday and he was outside mowing while the kids were napping (AT 5 PM!!) First, how's he gonna hear them? Second... we get up by 6:30 and have to be out the door quickly..... ya think they are going to be going to bed on time if they are still napping that late???? In addition, he had to tell me how he cleaned the whole house. Wait... duh, I cleaned it on Thursday evening. And he had to tell me how he had to wash all the kids' clothes..... well, sorta..... Nathan is still learning about #2 and using the potty, so he was out of undies... but I washed all the clothes on Thursday night.... he could have done a small load with undies and a couple of things... but "I had to wash all the kids clothes". Then, I ask him what he'd like to do about dinner on Mon night... thinking maybe he might throw something together (even a stinkin sandwich)... no reply. Then he went to the gas station to get gas for the mower.... (by the way, I asked him to get me a FOUNTAIN diet pepsi... he brings he a bottle....) And he never comes in!!! I ended up fixing dinner then had to run to WM to get diapers because apparently when there are only two in the cabinet I must be hiding them somewhere and it's not important.
I wonder if this is going to work. It won't work if this kind of stuff keeps happening. And he asked me several times about things I KNOW I told him about on the phone... why do I bother... he apparently either doesn't care enough or doesn't pay attention. I really feel ignored. I feel like he doesn't care at all about what I want, what I need, or even about the safety of our kids. I don't know what else I can do to let him know what I want and need... all of these things were things I said to him directly and he ignored me. This doesn't even go into things like possibly OFFERING for me to go out alone or do something by myself while he's here so I can have some time off.....I had to just go do that and WOO HOO, I got my hair cut and went to the grocery store. I want to be sad that he's leaving, but I'm relieved right now. And he was only here for four days....
Honestly, it wasn't that great of a visit. I guess I'm not in the best of moods anyways.. .that time of the month..... but it seems like everything I say goes in one ear and out the other. Last night, he had the kids out at the big play slide/fort thing. I SPECIFICALLY told him to keep a close eye on Emily because she likes to climb the 7 foot ladder and then gets to the top and wants to step down. I look out and he and Dave are looking off into the trees about 20 feet away and Em is on the LADDER!!! I almost had a heart attack! Steven fell off that ladder a few weeks ago and I'm scared! DUH.
Besides that, I specifically asked him to do the trimming and to NOT mow the grass... I can do that easily and Kristen is coming to babysit on Saturday. I have trouble managing the trimmer in the ditch by the mailbox and on the other end. I don't think he did it at all. I also specifically asked him to move the big things that I pulled out of the garden to behind the shed so I could mow and clean out that end of the garden. I HIGHLY doubt he did that either. But, of course he did mow... and of course he spent literally at least 7 hours doing it and didn't finish. So now, I have a yard that's 3/4 mowed, not trimmed and has big piles of clippings pushed next to the trees (Not attractive).
Plus, I came home Monday and he was outside mowing while the kids were napping (AT 5 PM!!) First, how's he gonna hear them? Second... we get up by 6:30 and have to be out the door quickly..... ya think they are going to be going to bed on time if they are still napping that late???? In addition, he had to tell me how he cleaned the whole house. Wait... duh, I cleaned it on Thursday evening. And he had to tell me how he had to wash all the kids' clothes..... well, sorta..... Nathan is still learning about #2 and using the potty, so he was out of undies... but I washed all the clothes on Thursday night.... he could have done a small load with undies and a couple of things... but "I had to wash all the kids clothes". Then, I ask him what he'd like to do about dinner on Mon night... thinking maybe he might throw something together (even a stinkin sandwich)... no reply. Then he went to the gas station to get gas for the mower.... (by the way, I asked him to get me a FOUNTAIN diet pepsi... he brings he a bottle....) And he never comes in!!! I ended up fixing dinner then had to run to WM to get diapers because apparently when there are only two in the cabinet I must be hiding them somewhere and it's not important.
I wonder if this is going to work. It won't work if this kind of stuff keeps happening. And he asked me several times about things I KNOW I told him about on the phone... why do I bother... he apparently either doesn't care enough or doesn't pay attention. I really feel ignored. I feel like he doesn't care at all about what I want, what I need, or even about the safety of our kids. I don't know what else I can do to let him know what I want and need... all of these things were things I said to him directly and he ignored me. This doesn't even go into things like possibly OFFERING for me to go out alone or do something by myself while he's here so I can have some time off.....I had to just go do that and WOO HOO, I got my hair cut and went to the grocery store. I want to be sad that he's leaving, but I'm relieved right now. And he was only here for four days....
Monday, June 05, 2006
Weekend review and blog challenge
What a wonderful weekend! I really can't wait until Dave is home... it's so much easier with him around.... even if the kids are used to running to me! He's trying so hard though to get them to rely on him for a little while anyways. And I had a little peace too. I got my hair cut (FINALLY!) and created 4 layouts with very little help.... I even layed down a couple of times (those both got interrupted, but you know...). And this morning, I have EXTRA time :) :) :) He's going to watch them today and I don't have to get them up and ready! I'm feeling very relaxed. Beyond that, we didn't do much.... but it feels great!
OK... my FH2S blog challenge: What does scrapping mean to me?
Right now, I scrap for my kids and the future, but it really means that I have something besides my jobs in my life. I spend most of my time worrying about the kids (job #1), the DH (job #2), and work (job #3). Whether it's getting things done around the house, paying bills, actually working in any way, shape, or form.... it's wearing sometimes. Scrapping is my sanctuary. It's where I go for ME..... and I admit, I spend a lot of time with it in many shapes, but really, I don't do much else. And, now that there's only one TV in the house, I've weaned myself considerably. I love the inspiration, I love finding new ways to display my beautiful family, and I love getting things on paper for the future..... I'd hate for my kids or grandkids to pick up a picture (or in this day, a CD) and ask "who's that" and "what were they doing"..... but I'm not driven by that. I'm driven by wanting to have time for me :)
Here's two LO's I did over the weekend. The first one is a two pager... I'll just put the one page here though :) These were both for HYWWP challenges using KI Memories products... thanks to them for sponsoring us!!

OK... my FH2S blog challenge: What does scrapping mean to me?
Right now, I scrap for my kids and the future, but it really means that I have something besides my jobs in my life. I spend most of my time worrying about the kids (job #1), the DH (job #2), and work (job #3). Whether it's getting things done around the house, paying bills, actually working in any way, shape, or form.... it's wearing sometimes. Scrapping is my sanctuary. It's where I go for ME..... and I admit, I spend a lot of time with it in many shapes, but really, I don't do much else. And, now that there's only one TV in the house, I've weaned myself considerably. I love the inspiration, I love finding new ways to display my beautiful family, and I love getting things on paper for the future..... I'd hate for my kids or grandkids to pick up a picture (or in this day, a CD) and ask "who's that" and "what were they doing"..... but I'm not driven by that. I'm driven by wanting to have time for me :)
Here's two LO's I did over the weekend. The first one is a two pager... I'll just put the one page here though :) These were both for HYWWP challenges using KI Memories products... thanks to them for sponsoring us!!

Thursday, June 01, 2006
Can't believe it's JUNE!!!
And there's so much going on!!!
Here's my VERY FIRST blog challenge for FH2S: The topic is memories of school getting out and summers:
Well, I don't remember a whole bunch about school getting out or summer or anything like that. I was a big fan of school and just loved going most of the time, so I never really was real anxious for school to end (now my mom may tell ya different). But, I do remember being excited because it was a change and we could do things at home. It seemed like that most summers I remember, we spent traveling with my sister's softball teams for tournaments. Later, I didn't go with them and the family, but had a job. I remember the summer after I turned 16. I SO wanted to work. Mom and dad weren't keen on it but decided it was OK. I got a summer job helping at a Montessori preschool as a classroom aide. I don't remember much about the details, but it doesn't seem like I worked there very long. But, that summer, I also started working as a food server at Pizza Hut... then I trained as a cook. That became a LONG standing thing and worked there off and on until I graduated from college.... at several different stores. More about that later. ANYWAYS... back to the summer thing. I do remember going to band camp one year at Drake University and to church camp a couple of summers when I was younger, but nothing really exciting besides that. I know that I was always ready for school to start back and in HS, I would actually be there 2-3 weeks early for marching band practice/camp.
OK... since I'm here.... other things going on:
1. Dave's coming tomorrow!! I just found out yesterday that I have a "leadership training" meeting from 8-1230 tomorrow... UGH! That means that I may not get out early if my ducks aren't in a row!! I THINK it'll be OK, but who knows? We're just excited to see daddy!
2. New challenges at HYWWP: I'm going to post once a week on Thursday and others at other times. YEAH! This week's challenge is NO FLOWERS!!!! This WILL be a challenge for me, but I will get it done!!
3. My new position at FH2S starts officially today!!! YEAH!!! I'm very very excited and Pam and Wendi and Kim are SO VERY organized and I really feel like I know what's going on. I'm going to be posting a daily quote and moderating one more forum plus doing one challenge a week (I'll wait until it's posted for everyone and then spill the beans!!) FUN huh????
Enough blabbering.... more later
Here's my VERY FIRST blog challenge for FH2S: The topic is memories of school getting out and summers:
Well, I don't remember a whole bunch about school getting out or summer or anything like that. I was a big fan of school and just loved going most of the time, so I never really was real anxious for school to end (now my mom may tell ya different). But, I do remember being excited because it was a change and we could do things at home. It seemed like that most summers I remember, we spent traveling with my sister's softball teams for tournaments. Later, I didn't go with them and the family, but had a job. I remember the summer after I turned 16. I SO wanted to work. Mom and dad weren't keen on it but decided it was OK. I got a summer job helping at a Montessori preschool as a classroom aide. I don't remember much about the details, but it doesn't seem like I worked there very long. But, that summer, I also started working as a food server at Pizza Hut... then I trained as a cook. That became a LONG standing thing and worked there off and on until I graduated from college.... at several different stores. More about that later. ANYWAYS... back to the summer thing. I do remember going to band camp one year at Drake University and to church camp a couple of summers when I was younger, but nothing really exciting besides that. I know that I was always ready for school to start back and in HS, I would actually be there 2-3 weeks early for marching band practice/camp.
OK... since I'm here.... other things going on:
1. Dave's coming tomorrow!! I just found out yesterday that I have a "leadership training" meeting from 8-1230 tomorrow... UGH! That means that I may not get out early if my ducks aren't in a row!! I THINK it'll be OK, but who knows? We're just excited to see daddy!
2. New challenges at HYWWP: I'm going to post once a week on Thursday and others at other times. YEAH! This week's challenge is NO FLOWERS!!!! This WILL be a challenge for me, but I will get it done!!
3. My new position at FH2S starts officially today!!! YEAH!!! I'm very very excited and Pam and Wendi and Kim are SO VERY organized and I really feel like I know what's going on. I'm going to be posting a daily quote and moderating one more forum plus doing one challenge a week (I'll wait until it's posted for everyone and then spill the beans!!) FUN huh????
Enough blabbering.... more later
Monday, May 29, 2006
Completely random and unrelated stuff
Just thoughts I need to get out of my brain:
1. Dave comes on Friday with the dogs... YEAH!!! I am SO looking forward to having a few minutes to myself without the guilt. Hope the dogs do OK getting here.
2. Jumping off the above, he took the dogs to the vet to get their clearances and shots and his thing with his ID card/DL/a few other cards and things was STOLEN! Man... he's got a big PIA to deal with!!! I feel bad for him.
3. I'm tired of the kids fighting, biting, hitting, taking things away from each other and the word NO. Geesh.... and how many years do I have left of this???
4. BRAGGING ON MY BOY!!!: Nathan has learned how to dress himself. He's also going potty by himself and hasn't had a wetting mistake in DAYS!... now if he could just poop in the potty too.......
5. I just love scrapping and sharing my stuff. I took my latest book into work and it just makes me all warm and fuzzy when people ooh and ahhh.....
6. Why don't I have any yellow CS?
7. Need to buy deodorant.
8. I think my butt's asleep.
9. Do you think it's wrong to have a honeydo list for someone that's only going to be here about 4 full days and should be very jet lagged when he gets here?? It's not that long, but I really need him to do a few things.
10. Do you ever feel like you are totally talking to yourself on your blog and that maybe you should just go to bed and get some sleep instead of popping all over the internet in search of god knows what?
11. And, for a final comment.... not to be anything... just a random thought I've been having lately... I believe in a higher power and I believe that there's a plan for each of us... I believe that there is power in prayer and in believing and letting go. I have various conflicting issues about the Bible (mostly stemming from creation/evolution and archeological disputes with biblical issues), but in general, it's a good thing and teaches very positive ways of living. Strange thing though... I don't go to church and haven't for a long while. I don't think that Dave would go with me (that's OK) and at this point, the truth is that getting up on Sunday morning (we're up anyways... just the idea) and getting two kids ready and taking them out when they really don't spend much awake time with me anyways and they get upset when I leave them and wouldn't do well in a service... well, this doesn't sound like something attractive. Is this WAY wrong? Yes, it may be, and I may just feel much better if I go.... I don't know. Just needed to get that out in the air.......
More later.
1. Dave comes on Friday with the dogs... YEAH!!! I am SO looking forward to having a few minutes to myself without the guilt. Hope the dogs do OK getting here.
2. Jumping off the above, he took the dogs to the vet to get their clearances and shots and his thing with his ID card/DL/a few other cards and things was STOLEN! Man... he's got a big PIA to deal with!!! I feel bad for him.
3. I'm tired of the kids fighting, biting, hitting, taking things away from each other and the word NO. Geesh.... and how many years do I have left of this???
4. BRAGGING ON MY BOY!!!: Nathan has learned how to dress himself. He's also going potty by himself and hasn't had a wetting mistake in DAYS!... now if he could just poop in the potty too.......
5. I just love scrapping and sharing my stuff. I took my latest book into work and it just makes me all warm and fuzzy when people ooh and ahhh.....
6. Why don't I have any yellow CS?
7. Need to buy deodorant.
8. I think my butt's asleep.
9. Do you think it's wrong to have a honeydo list for someone that's only going to be here about 4 full days and should be very jet lagged when he gets here?? It's not that long, but I really need him to do a few things.
10. Do you ever feel like you are totally talking to yourself on your blog and that maybe you should just go to bed and get some sleep instead of popping all over the internet in search of god knows what?
11. And, for a final comment.... not to be anything... just a random thought I've been having lately... I believe in a higher power and I believe that there's a plan for each of us... I believe that there is power in prayer and in believing and letting go. I have various conflicting issues about the Bible (mostly stemming from creation/evolution and archeological disputes with biblical issues), but in general, it's a good thing and teaches very positive ways of living. Strange thing though... I don't go to church and haven't for a long while. I don't think that Dave would go with me (that's OK) and at this point, the truth is that getting up on Sunday morning (we're up anyways... just the idea) and getting two kids ready and taking them out when they really don't spend much awake time with me anyways and they get upset when I leave them and wouldn't do well in a service... well, this doesn't sound like something attractive. Is this WAY wrong? Yes, it may be, and I may just feel much better if I go.... I don't know. Just needed to get that out in the air.......
More later.
Saturday, May 27, 2006
Yet another long overdue post....
Ok.... I know... I'm a TERRIBLE BLOGGER.... anyways, I'm here now.
There is SO MUCH going on, but my most exciting thing is that I was asked to be on the premier DT for !!!!! I accepted, of course, and am THRILLED!!! There's a lot of funny things that have occured for me to end up on this DT, so much so, that I just feel like it's meant to be. Here's a quick list:
1. The board owner, Pam, is a very sweet lady I "met" over a year ago on another board. We've been on a few boards together. When I found out she was starting her own community, I almost didn't visit... I just didn't want to get addicted to yet another board :) But, I went over, took a look around and really found myself in love with the way the board is being run, the girls posting, and just the feeling in general.
2. Then the DT call came up. This isn't something I jumped on right away... well, that's not quite true. I read, re-read, and read again the requirements for the call, as well as the expectations for the DT to see if I could meet them. Then I made the two LO's that were required to be new. And I must have done nothing with them for at least a week. Finally, I decided to submit them. With 43-44 other entries, I figured I didn't have much chance, but Pam made it clear that she was looking for all levels and types of scrappers.... so I waited.
3. Friday was the day that the calls were going out. Friday was a very very very very busy, hectic and incredibly trying day for me. Now, remember, I've been off orientation (I think I'm off orientation) for, oh, about a week...... and on Friday I had not one or two, but THREE COMPLEX (and one of those, complex doesn't really begin to cut it...) discharges. Thank goodness for our social worker, Carol, who helped me out at every juncture. ANYWAYS... I finally get home with the kids around 6 (like an hour late!) and the phone rings. I don't recognize the caller ID... and the female says "It's Pam"..... at this point, I should have been jumping up and down and my heart beating out of my chest... but NO.... my stupid self didn't even realize who it was!!!! DUH!!!! I feel so so so bad that my response was "Pam who??"...... OH MY WHAT A DOOFUS!!! So we talk for a bit and I get off the phone....I'm just thinking that she must have thought that I didn't care a stitch about the call..... completely untrue, but my mind was certainly elsewhere.
So, that's the long version of the story... I'm SO EXCITED to join the team!!!! I can't wait to see everything in store... I LOVE challenges and I KNOW that this board will be building around them.... it's just calling for me!!
Yet again, as I finish this post, I vow to blog more often.......
There is SO MUCH going on, but my most exciting thing is that I was asked to be on the premier DT for !!!!! I accepted, of course, and am THRILLED!!! There's a lot of funny things that have occured for me to end up on this DT, so much so, that I just feel like it's meant to be. Here's a quick list:
1. The board owner, Pam, is a very sweet lady I "met" over a year ago on another board. We've been on a few boards together. When I found out she was starting her own community, I almost didn't visit... I just didn't want to get addicted to yet another board :) But, I went over, took a look around and really found myself in love with the way the board is being run, the girls posting, and just the feeling in general.
2. Then the DT call came up. This isn't something I jumped on right away... well, that's not quite true. I read, re-read, and read again the requirements for the call, as well as the expectations for the DT to see if I could meet them. Then I made the two LO's that were required to be new. And I must have done nothing with them for at least a week. Finally, I decided to submit them. With 43-44 other entries, I figured I didn't have much chance, but Pam made it clear that she was looking for all levels and types of scrappers.... so I waited.
3. Friday was the day that the calls were going out. Friday was a very very very very busy, hectic and incredibly trying day for me. Now, remember, I've been off orientation (I think I'm off orientation) for, oh, about a week...... and on Friday I had not one or two, but THREE COMPLEX (and one of those, complex doesn't really begin to cut it...) discharges. Thank goodness for our social worker, Carol, who helped me out at every juncture. ANYWAYS... I finally get home with the kids around 6 (like an hour late!) and the phone rings. I don't recognize the caller ID... and the female says "It's Pam"..... at this point, I should have been jumping up and down and my heart beating out of my chest... but NO.... my stupid self didn't even realize who it was!!!! DUH!!!! I feel so so so bad that my response was "Pam who??"...... OH MY WHAT A DOOFUS!!! So we talk for a bit and I get off the phone....I'm just thinking that she must have thought that I didn't care a stitch about the call..... completely untrue, but my mind was certainly elsewhere.
So, that's the long version of the story... I'm SO EXCITED to join the team!!!! I can't wait to see everything in store... I LOVE challenges and I KNOW that this board will be building around them.... it's just calling for me!!
Yet again, as I finish this post, I vow to blog more often.......
Thursday, May 04, 2006
Today will be better....
Here's my day yesterday:
4 am: Woke up, no kids in bed.... went to check on them... they are OK... back to bed
4:15 am: Nathan is crying and fussing in the hall.... he's thrown up on his shirt. I think no problem, it's just the cold/mucous and change his clothes. He won't go back to bed but lays on the couch.
4: 45 am: Nathan throws up again... mostly mucous
4:50 am: I clean the carpet
5: 20 am: One more time.... just a little this time
5:30 am: Give him a tiny bit of a phenergan tab
5:45 am: Nathan's UP AND PLAYING! (no way the meds could kick in yet!)
So I start getting dressed and ready.
6:00 am: I get Emily up... she's a little cranky but nothing exciting
6:30 am: We go to daycare, Emily falls asleep on the way (nothing major, but she doesn't usually do this)
9:41 am: Get a call from daycare (uh oh.. Nathan's throwing up... I thought) NOPE... Emily's been sleeping all morning, has a "fever", and crusty eyes. GRRRRRRR
9:45 am: Call mom and beg for her to pick up Emily. God bless family!!!
11: 45 am: call and talk to mom... Emily has no fever and hasn't had one, but she's just laying around. Poor baby!
3:30: FINALLY get out of work and go to pick them up.... seems like forever sometimes
4:30 PM: get to Boonville to pick up Emily and she's still asleep... wake her up gently
5: 15 pm: EMILY IS FINE!!!!
6:00 pm: Mom and dad fix us dinner (WOW..... not only did they watch the kiddo, but now they are fixing dinner too!!!! Gotta love moms and dads!!!!!)
7:00 pm: Nathan's got crud in his left eye..... NOOOOOOOO!!!!
8:15 pm: We get home, get jammies on and Nathan goes to bed without a fight... uh oh..... sick? or just worn out??
8:40 pm: On the phone begging for Uncle Dave to watch Emily tomorrow (and possibly Nathan if his eye is still goopy!) He agrees..... yet again, God Bless Family!!!
10:00 pm: Emily FINALLY goes to bed. I follow.
LONG LONG LONG DAY.... guess I'll be sandblasting carbeurators and typing chemistry grad papers next week but that's OK....
4 am: Woke up, no kids in bed.... went to check on them... they are OK... back to bed
4:15 am: Nathan is crying and fussing in the hall.... he's thrown up on his shirt. I think no problem, it's just the cold/mucous and change his clothes. He won't go back to bed but lays on the couch.
4: 45 am: Nathan throws up again... mostly mucous
4:50 am: I clean the carpet
5: 20 am: One more time.... just a little this time
5:30 am: Give him a tiny bit of a phenergan tab
5:45 am: Nathan's UP AND PLAYING! (no way the meds could kick in yet!)
So I start getting dressed and ready.
6:00 am: I get Emily up... she's a little cranky but nothing exciting
6:30 am: We go to daycare, Emily falls asleep on the way (nothing major, but she doesn't usually do this)
9:41 am: Get a call from daycare (uh oh.. Nathan's throwing up... I thought) NOPE... Emily's been sleeping all morning, has a "fever", and crusty eyes. GRRRRRRR
9:45 am: Call mom and beg for her to pick up Emily. God bless family!!!
11: 45 am: call and talk to mom... Emily has no fever and hasn't had one, but she's just laying around. Poor baby!
3:30: FINALLY get out of work and go to pick them up.... seems like forever sometimes
4:30 PM: get to Boonville to pick up Emily and she's still asleep... wake her up gently
5: 15 pm: EMILY IS FINE!!!!
6:00 pm: Mom and dad fix us dinner (WOW..... not only did they watch the kiddo, but now they are fixing dinner too!!!! Gotta love moms and dads!!!!!)
7:00 pm: Nathan's got crud in his left eye..... NOOOOOOOO!!!!
8:15 pm: We get home, get jammies on and Nathan goes to bed without a fight... uh oh..... sick? or just worn out??
8:40 pm: On the phone begging for Uncle Dave to watch Emily tomorrow (and possibly Nathan if his eye is still goopy!) He agrees..... yet again, God Bless Family!!!
10:00 pm: Emily FINALLY goes to bed. I follow.
LONG LONG LONG DAY.... guess I'll be sandblasting carbeurators and typing chemistry grad papers next week but that's OK....
Monday, May 01, 2006
Fantastic day....
Little things make me happy anymore. And when you have a day full of little things that go well, it's a good day!
Here's my little good thing list today:
1. No drama at daycare... no tears!! YEAH (kiddos are still sad, but that's OK)
2. Work went well. No one made me the least bit guilty for being "sick" on Friday with the kids.
3. I learned more and more at work today.
4. Got off work before 4:30
5. Got my pager today
6. Dave is bringing the dogs on June 2!
7. It was a GREAT mail day: J4K QK stuff!!!, Amillion memories HS sale items!, Two CJ's from WT, and a book from paperback swap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
8. Nathan went to bed in his bed without a fight.
9. Emily went to sleep fairly quick and I haven't heard her stir now for over a half an hour.
10. Finally.... I don't have to be to work until 8 for orientation day tomorrow, so it's OK to leave a bit later than usual!!! WOO HOO!
My life is so boring :) But it makes me happy :) :) :)
Here's my little good thing list today:
1. No drama at daycare... no tears!! YEAH (kiddos are still sad, but that's OK)
2. Work went well. No one made me the least bit guilty for being "sick" on Friday with the kids.
3. I learned more and more at work today.
4. Got off work before 4:30
5. Got my pager today
6. Dave is bringing the dogs on June 2!
7. It was a GREAT mail day: J4K QK stuff!!!, Amillion memories HS sale items!, Two CJ's from WT, and a book from paperback swap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
8. Nathan went to bed in his bed without a fight.
9. Emily went to sleep fairly quick and I haven't heard her stir now for over a half an hour.
10. Finally.... I don't have to be to work until 8 for orientation day tomorrow, so it's OK to leave a bit later than usual!!! WOO HOO!
My life is so boring :) But it makes me happy :) :) :)
New week, New month!!!
It's MAY DAY!!!! Ok, so I haven't done anything for May day in eons, but just thought of that! LOL.
Back to work today... I'm still upset that I had to miss Friday, but such is life... let it go Michelle....
Emily slept in her own bed last night so hopefully that means she's feeling better and wasn't as restless. I wondered because she was kinda fussy for the first couple of hours while I was up.
Nathan came in with me at some point.... no idea when... he's getting good at not waking me up :) Sneaky little boy. But he's better than E.... he doesn't turn sideways in the bed and scooch all over anymore.
Scrapwise: Had a great weekend! Got three layouts done and FINALLY got the lunchboxes done for me and the kids..... I'd planned on using the two new ones for the kids then I figured out that the bigger one would be better for my pictures... so instead of two, I altered three. But, they are done. The kids' are simple, but cute. And I love the way mine turned out... fairly simple, but bright and fun! Used SR North Shore on mine... so cute!
Housewise: Also a great weekend! Got the bins for the toys put together and filled with toys.... man, it's so much easier for the kids to find things! Now, to teach them how to only have one bin at a time out! Also finally picked up the bench for the kitchen table and got it together. Kids LOVE it. Laundry is done up and even got the kitchen cleaned :)
More later after work if I have the energy!
Back to work today... I'm still upset that I had to miss Friday, but such is life... let it go Michelle....
Emily slept in her own bed last night so hopefully that means she's feeling better and wasn't as restless. I wondered because she was kinda fussy for the first couple of hours while I was up.
Nathan came in with me at some point.... no idea when... he's getting good at not waking me up :) Sneaky little boy. But he's better than E.... he doesn't turn sideways in the bed and scooch all over anymore.
Scrapwise: Had a great weekend! Got three layouts done and FINALLY got the lunchboxes done for me and the kids..... I'd planned on using the two new ones for the kids then I figured out that the bigger one would be better for my pictures... so instead of two, I altered three. But, they are done. The kids' are simple, but cute. And I love the way mine turned out... fairly simple, but bright and fun! Used SR North Shore on mine... so cute!
Housewise: Also a great weekend! Got the bins for the toys put together and filled with toys.... man, it's so much easier for the kids to find things! Now, to teach them how to only have one bin at a time out! Also finally picked up the bench for the kitchen table and got it together. Kids LOVE it. Laundry is done up and even got the kitchen cleaned :)
More later after work if I have the energy!
Friday, April 28, 2006
Sick Day
So, I've worked a grand total of four days and have to take a sick day.
WHAT A LOSER!! But, I have no other options. Emmie got a fever in daycare yesterday and they won't let her back until Monday (24 hours). She really did have a fever yesterday and she was just laying in one of the infant bouncers sucking her thumb when I picked her up. POOR BABY!!!!!! She is NEVER like that... so I know she didn't feel well. BUT, about 45 minutes after her motrin and juice, she was NORMAL (ok, granted, her nose has been running off her face for days, but that's not new) and today, she's all over the place. I was afraid I'd have to take her to a doc's office with only Tricare insurance (i.e. they won't pay).
I just feel like the girls at work will be disappointed (as I would if I were in their shoes). I know they understand, but timing is BAD. And I really think I'm going to like this job. So, hopefully, this will be it for a long time. GRRRR!
Anyhoo.... enough whining... I guess I should use this time for good... the linens should probably be washed... not like I have nothing to do around here :)
WHAT A LOSER!! But, I have no other options. Emmie got a fever in daycare yesterday and they won't let her back until Monday (24 hours). She really did have a fever yesterday and she was just laying in one of the infant bouncers sucking her thumb when I picked her up. POOR BABY!!!!!! She is NEVER like that... so I know she didn't feel well. BUT, about 45 minutes after her motrin and juice, she was NORMAL (ok, granted, her nose has been running off her face for days, but that's not new) and today, she's all over the place. I was afraid I'd have to take her to a doc's office with only Tricare insurance (i.e. they won't pay).
I just feel like the girls at work will be disappointed (as I would if I were in their shoes). I know they understand, but timing is BAD. And I really think I'm going to like this job. So, hopefully, this will be it for a long time. GRRRR!
Anyhoo.... enough whining... I guess I should use this time for good... the linens should probably be washed... not like I have nothing to do around here :)
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
Bad bad bad ME!
Ok... I was EVER SO GENTLY reminded that I have been TOTALLY blowing this off.... I am so ashamed!!!!
So, here's my vow..... everyone out in blogland can read it now :) .... I will blog at least three times a vow :)
Alrighty then.... updates GALORE!
1. I'm working!!! YEE HAW :) My new title is "Outcomes Coordinator" at Boone Hospital Center on the Surgical Specialties ward. It's my third day and my first on the floor and I think I'm going to like it. It seems like Boone really takes genuine steps not only to care well for their patients but to also care for their staff... which is SO important in providing excellent patient care. And the ladies I'm working most closely with have already been so helpful and are very excited that I'm there... that makes me feel pretty darned good.
2. Kids are in daycare. They are doing GREAT!! I'm very impressed with their resiliance. Nathan is even starting to potty train at daycare already.... he's kinda bonded with one of his teachers.... but he's still sad to see me go and glad I'm there to pick him up, so it's great with me. Emily has done FANTASTIC... she hasn't really had a bad day... What a good girl! I'm really so proud! For a girl who's never been in daycare, she's doing REALLY well.
3. House is coming along.... got all the new stuff that we were going to get before Dave left, so that was VERY helpful. He's working on getting his orders early so we might be able to ship the household goods early. That would be GREAT.... I'd really like to spend some time downstairs when it gets's so much cooler down there.
a. The concrete is poured for the new patio/deck. It's gonna be huge and I love it!
b. Garden is IN!!! YEAH.... ended up buying a tiller.... not a huge deal, but it just makes it much easier.
c. Roof needs to be replaced. Had the insurance adjustor out here before Dave left and that's what he said. Got his estimate today in the mail. Now, I've got to call around and get a couple estimates. Darned the hail and winds!
d. Need to call about getting a fence put in too..... kids NEED to be outside playing!!!
e. Going to Laurie this weekend to pick up the swingset and patio furniture from my aunt and uncle..... kids will LOVE it!
4. I miss Dave a LOT.....December can't come soon enough.
5. other job/obsession/love...... SBing!!! I had a GREAT TIME with the MSS kit this month and got to do two things that I wouldn't have done otherwise.... I got my rememberance book from SFW done AND I did a bracelet with the kids' pictures on it..... LOVE the way they turned out and with Junkitz and MM as the two primary manufacturers... how can you go wrong?!?!
Well.... that's enough for now.... I promise (again) to update more often!
So, here's my vow..... everyone out in blogland can read it now :) .... I will blog at least three times a vow :)
Alrighty then.... updates GALORE!
1. I'm working!!! YEE HAW :) My new title is "Outcomes Coordinator" at Boone Hospital Center on the Surgical Specialties ward. It's my third day and my first on the floor and I think I'm going to like it. It seems like Boone really takes genuine steps not only to care well for their patients but to also care for their staff... which is SO important in providing excellent patient care. And the ladies I'm working most closely with have already been so helpful and are very excited that I'm there... that makes me feel pretty darned good.
2. Kids are in daycare. They are doing GREAT!! I'm very impressed with their resiliance. Nathan is even starting to potty train at daycare already.... he's kinda bonded with one of his teachers.... but he's still sad to see me go and glad I'm there to pick him up, so it's great with me. Emily has done FANTASTIC... she hasn't really had a bad day... What a good girl! I'm really so proud! For a girl who's never been in daycare, she's doing REALLY well.
3. House is coming along.... got all the new stuff that we were going to get before Dave left, so that was VERY helpful. He's working on getting his orders early so we might be able to ship the household goods early. That would be GREAT.... I'd really like to spend some time downstairs when it gets's so much cooler down there.
a. The concrete is poured for the new patio/deck. It's gonna be huge and I love it!
b. Garden is IN!!! YEAH.... ended up buying a tiller.... not a huge deal, but it just makes it much easier.
c. Roof needs to be replaced. Had the insurance adjustor out here before Dave left and that's what he said. Got his estimate today in the mail. Now, I've got to call around and get a couple estimates. Darned the hail and winds!
d. Need to call about getting a fence put in too..... kids NEED to be outside playing!!!
e. Going to Laurie this weekend to pick up the swingset and patio furniture from my aunt and uncle..... kids will LOVE it!
4. I miss Dave a LOT.....December can't come soon enough.
5. other job/obsession/love...... SBing!!! I had a GREAT TIME with the MSS kit this month and got to do two things that I wouldn't have done otherwise.... I got my rememberance book from SFW done AND I did a bracelet with the kids' pictures on it..... LOVE the way they turned out and with Junkitz and MM as the two primary manufacturers... how can you go wrong?!?!
Well.... that's enough for now.... I promise (again) to update more often!
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
Time sure flies when you have a gazillion things going on.... and therefore my blog has been ignored.... I kinda feel bad because I haven't updated.... mostly for me. This is where I dump my stress and my thoughts and it's just a nice place to just yap to hear myself yap...
THE MOVE: We fly out tomorrow night!!! YEAH. Bags are almost packed. I shipped five boxes on Monday (three UPS and two USPS) to the shop. The UPS ones will be there tomorrow. Got all the laundry done up today except for the clothes/towels in use and the linen on our beds... the guest linen is ready to be put on the bed. My scrap stuff went into the bags yesterday (VERY sad about this, but must be done) and that's helped me focus a bit on my tasks. Of course, I have no adhesive and am close to being completely out of pictures, so that helps! I can't wait....
THE JOBS: My last night at St. Francis West was Saturday. Several people actually came in on their off time to the potluck.... what a blessing. And, a HUGE surprise, the group got me gift certificates and cash totaling over $200!!! So, right away, I knew what I wanted to get.... Hawaiian bracelet for each of the kids (ok, for me, but with their names). After thinking about it and talking with the girls, I decided on a pendant for Nathan and a bracelet for Emily in Silver. Well, I went to the jewelry shop and they had a 4 piece set with a pendant, chain, bracelet and ring for a reduced price. YEAH! I got them all for just over 200.... how cool is that?!?! I can't wait to get them. How blessed am I to have such caring coworkers and friends? You don't realize it until you leave sometimes. I was bawling big time when I walked out... I've never been anywhere for more than 2 years before.... it's like leaving your family.
As far as new jobs, I have lots of apps in and an interview on Monday. I hope to have something solid in a couple of weeks. I'm shooting for a regular M-F job so that it'll work out with child care better... I may have to explore options outside of what I would love to make it work... but I may then find something else I love. I'm looking at everything from a clinic nurse position to a research clinician to a nurse manager for skilled nursing..... again, I can adapt.
Let's see..... tidbits:
Gonna sell my car and get a new one. Dave's been looking. I'm tired of him complaining about whatever I get so it's up to him. I got the loan today so he can shop. I don't want a car and I don't want a truck so it looks like either an SUV or a minivan (ICK).... but the minivan is starting to seem more practical. My top two today are the Saturn Relay and the Kia minivan (don't remember what it's called)
MSS: What a cool thing Lora has going on.... March Madness.... there's a daily challenge. I'm smokin!!!! BUT..... I think today's will have me stumped. It's a LO with a pic of me sleeping and then journaling about dreams....... last time I needed pics of me I had to hand Dave the camera at the last minute THEN crop the living daylights out of everything he took even though I told him to get my FACE!!! So, Lora...... you may have stumped me!!! GRRR! And, despite having no pics or much of anything available, I got three challenges done for the March SNC.... all cards, but really, I needed them! I have lots of thank you notes to write.
My friend and coworker Joyce, who I've known since I started at SFW and have gotten to know pretty well, brought me the PRETTIEST slipper necklace and matching earrings for a going away/birthday gift. I'm gonna miss her. Today, she had surgery (elective) and I hope she's doing well.
HYWWP: Busy as ever!!! I'm taking this week off for challenges.... I just can't do it!
AND FINALLY: I'm VERY VERY VERY excited..... Martha and I head to KC on Saturday morning ALONE!! to go to our very first CKC.... I have two layouts done for contests and just can't wait to go SHOP!!!!!!! We are going to three classes and I also get to meet Lora from MSS in person!!!! YEAH!!!!!! (and get my April kit too!!! woo hoo!!!) You can't IMAGINE how excited I am to not only go to a CKC, but to spend time with my sister WITHOUT the kids and hubbies, and just relax... I'm SO looking forward to it.
Well.... enough babbling. More in MO!
THE MOVE: We fly out tomorrow night!!! YEAH. Bags are almost packed. I shipped five boxes on Monday (three UPS and two USPS) to the shop. The UPS ones will be there tomorrow. Got all the laundry done up today except for the clothes/towels in use and the linen on our beds... the guest linen is ready to be put on the bed. My scrap stuff went into the bags yesterday (VERY sad about this, but must be done) and that's helped me focus a bit on my tasks. Of course, I have no adhesive and am close to being completely out of pictures, so that helps! I can't wait....
THE JOBS: My last night at St. Francis West was Saturday. Several people actually came in on their off time to the potluck.... what a blessing. And, a HUGE surprise, the group got me gift certificates and cash totaling over $200!!! So, right away, I knew what I wanted to get.... Hawaiian bracelet for each of the kids (ok, for me, but with their names). After thinking about it and talking with the girls, I decided on a pendant for Nathan and a bracelet for Emily in Silver. Well, I went to the jewelry shop and they had a 4 piece set with a pendant, chain, bracelet and ring for a reduced price. YEAH! I got them all for just over 200.... how cool is that?!?! I can't wait to get them. How blessed am I to have such caring coworkers and friends? You don't realize it until you leave sometimes. I was bawling big time when I walked out... I've never been anywhere for more than 2 years before.... it's like leaving your family.
As far as new jobs, I have lots of apps in and an interview on Monday. I hope to have something solid in a couple of weeks. I'm shooting for a regular M-F job so that it'll work out with child care better... I may have to explore options outside of what I would love to make it work... but I may then find something else I love. I'm looking at everything from a clinic nurse position to a research clinician to a nurse manager for skilled nursing..... again, I can adapt.
Let's see..... tidbits:
Gonna sell my car and get a new one. Dave's been looking. I'm tired of him complaining about whatever I get so it's up to him. I got the loan today so he can shop. I don't want a car and I don't want a truck so it looks like either an SUV or a minivan (ICK).... but the minivan is starting to seem more practical. My top two today are the Saturn Relay and the Kia minivan (don't remember what it's called)
MSS: What a cool thing Lora has going on.... March Madness.... there's a daily challenge. I'm smokin!!!! BUT..... I think today's will have me stumped. It's a LO with a pic of me sleeping and then journaling about dreams....... last time I needed pics of me I had to hand Dave the camera at the last minute THEN crop the living daylights out of everything he took even though I told him to get my FACE!!! So, Lora...... you may have stumped me!!! GRRR! And, despite having no pics or much of anything available, I got three challenges done for the March SNC.... all cards, but really, I needed them! I have lots of thank you notes to write.
My friend and coworker Joyce, who I've known since I started at SFW and have gotten to know pretty well, brought me the PRETTIEST slipper necklace and matching earrings for a going away/birthday gift. I'm gonna miss her. Today, she had surgery (elective) and I hope she's doing well.
HYWWP: Busy as ever!!! I'm taking this week off for challenges.... I just can't do it!
AND FINALLY: I'm VERY VERY VERY excited..... Martha and I head to KC on Saturday morning ALONE!! to go to our very first CKC.... I have two layouts done for contests and just can't wait to go SHOP!!!!!!! We are going to three classes and I also get to meet Lora from MSS in person!!!! YEAH!!!!!! (and get my April kit too!!! woo hoo!!!) You can't IMAGINE how excited I am to not only go to a CKC, but to spend time with my sister WITHOUT the kids and hubbies, and just relax... I'm SO looking forward to it.
Well.... enough babbling. More in MO!
Friday, March 03, 2006
TIME to catch up!!!
GRRRRRR....... I hate being sick. And I have been SOOOOOOO SICK!!! I started with a stupid sore throat on Sunday... that, I could have dealt with, but No....... I have to get the entire flu type thing YUCK!!!!
So bad, I had to call Dave at 10:30 on Tuesday morning to take care of the kids.
Plus, I haven't slept more than 3 hours straight since Monday night/Tuesday morning.
AND, I still have a stupid cough, naggy type thing.... ICK.
OK, enough grumbling.
THE COOLEST THING: I got asked to be the Guest Designer of the month for March at MSS!!!! HOW COOL IS THAT!?!?!?! Of course I said yes!!! I'm gonna be a scrapping fool before we leave and after I get there, but cool beans, I get a free April kit!!! YEE HAW!!! (Like I've passed up any of the kits so far.........). The March kit has a lunch box... I have one left. I think I'll make the kids their OWN "color" boxes for Easter. THANK YOU LORA!!!!
I have gotten some things done this week..... and some things there is no news.
1. I listed the car for sale at It was only 29.99 for listing until it sells. They seem to advertise a lot on the radio... but no hits yet. That was yesterday.....
2. No news from CRH... but I did call today and they haven't decided yet.
3. I got a subopeona on Friday when I went into work... BROKE MY STREAK OF 13 years!!!! Seems like it's just for a blood draw, no big deal. Well, I was going to call the prosecuter this afternoon, but my risk manager from work called first... I guess they prosecutor did it wrong. She told me not to go.... good thing. I didn't want to sit around for hours just to say "yep, that's me, yep I drew the blood, yep I verified the person, nope, I didn't use alcohol to prep the site..."
4. Got all the bags out for the trip.
5. Mom got a new car. Sold the van to Mart and Dave. I'm really happy... it's nice to know they have a reliable vehicle for the first time in about 10 years!! Told mom today to pick us up in the truck... we'll cram in. And DON'T bring the car seats...LOL... (long story) we have to bring ours.
6. We're going to Chuck E. Cheese for Nathan's B-day
7. Dave MIGHT have something up his sleeve... would be very unusual...I'm not getting my hopes up... but at least he's thinking of me.
8. I did post my challenges this week at HYWWP....
and finally.....
9. The March challenge contest is started at MSS... I'm STOKED!! Just up my alley. I know I'll get behind when we go to the mainland, but I figure if I keep up until then, I've got a good run. The prize is a $50 GC to the store.... WOO HOO!!! Go Lora!! You rock... Plus you carry everything I LOVE! (I just haven't shopped much since I don't want to carry it...)
What else?
I got my WT CJ done and sent, I got my inspiration box swap started for MSS, Prima swap sent for MSS, RAK and prize sent for HYWWP, and all my pending sales are in the mail. WOO HOO! I got the final check I was due and sent that one out. YEAH.
OK... Today's challenge for HYWWP:
BLUES... let this word inspire you in any way...........blues music, blue paper, baby boy blue etc. etc. etc.
Here's mine:

Now... Emmie is sleeping... time to put her down and see if I can sleep or not... I took a hit off the inhaler a bit ago because I was wheezing, so now I'm a little shaky........ if I can't sleep, I'm going to come work on some of my DT challenges for HYWWP.
So bad, I had to call Dave at 10:30 on Tuesday morning to take care of the kids.
Plus, I haven't slept more than 3 hours straight since Monday night/Tuesday morning.
AND, I still have a stupid cough, naggy type thing.... ICK.
OK, enough grumbling.
THE COOLEST THING: I got asked to be the Guest Designer of the month for March at MSS!!!! HOW COOL IS THAT!?!?!?! Of course I said yes!!! I'm gonna be a scrapping fool before we leave and after I get there, but cool beans, I get a free April kit!!! YEE HAW!!! (Like I've passed up any of the kits so far.........). The March kit has a lunch box... I have one left. I think I'll make the kids their OWN "color" boxes for Easter. THANK YOU LORA!!!!
I have gotten some things done this week..... and some things there is no news.
1. I listed the car for sale at It was only 29.99 for listing until it sells. They seem to advertise a lot on the radio... but no hits yet. That was yesterday.....
2. No news from CRH... but I did call today and they haven't decided yet.
3. I got a subopeona on Friday when I went into work... BROKE MY STREAK OF 13 years!!!! Seems like it's just for a blood draw, no big deal. Well, I was going to call the prosecuter this afternoon, but my risk manager from work called first... I guess they prosecutor did it wrong. She told me not to go.... good thing. I didn't want to sit around for hours just to say "yep, that's me, yep I drew the blood, yep I verified the person, nope, I didn't use alcohol to prep the site..."
4. Got all the bags out for the trip.
5. Mom got a new car. Sold the van to Mart and Dave. I'm really happy... it's nice to know they have a reliable vehicle for the first time in about 10 years!! Told mom today to pick us up in the truck... we'll cram in. And DON'T bring the car seats...LOL... (long story) we have to bring ours.
6. We're going to Chuck E. Cheese for Nathan's B-day
7. Dave MIGHT have something up his sleeve... would be very unusual...I'm not getting my hopes up... but at least he's thinking of me.
8. I did post my challenges this week at HYWWP....
and finally.....
9. The March challenge contest is started at MSS... I'm STOKED!! Just up my alley. I know I'll get behind when we go to the mainland, but I figure if I keep up until then, I've got a good run. The prize is a $50 GC to the store.... WOO HOO!!! Go Lora!! You rock... Plus you carry everything I LOVE! (I just haven't shopped much since I don't want to carry it...)
What else?
I got my WT CJ done and sent, I got my inspiration box swap started for MSS, Prima swap sent for MSS, RAK and prize sent for HYWWP, and all my pending sales are in the mail. WOO HOO! I got the final check I was due and sent that one out. YEAH.
OK... Today's challenge for HYWWP:
BLUES... let this word inspire you in any way...........blues music, blue paper, baby boy blue etc. etc. etc.
Here's mine:

Now... Emmie is sleeping... time to put her down and see if I can sleep or not... I took a hit off the inhaler a bit ago because I was wheezing, so now I'm a little shaky........ if I can't sleep, I'm going to come work on some of my DT challenges for HYWWP.
Friday, February 24, 2006
STUPID Car Dealership Service
Ok... my day has been nothing exciting... except wanting to jump through the phone lines to kill the service coordinator at the Nissan dealership. He/they must think I'm an idiot. My rear door (on my big stupid heavy Armada) won't work... the button, the handle, nothing. Same problem in November that they couldn't fix... just reset the system and it worked... for about 8 days. So, I was too ticked to take it back right away then I just kept procrastinating... finally took it back.
Anyways... the guy calls says it's done... said they reset the system and it's fine. So I ask, what do I do when it happens again in a week. He tells me he'd SHOW ME HOW TO RESET IT!!! So I say, what do I do if I want to sell the car?? I can't possibly tell the prospective buyer... "well, if it won't work, let me show you how to reset it" DUH!!! Would the idiots do the same if they were reselling it???? I think not.
GRRR. End of rage. for now...
BTW: I don't want to go to work. (what's new??)
Anyways... the guy calls says it's done... said they reset the system and it's fine. So I ask, what do I do when it happens again in a week. He tells me he'd SHOW ME HOW TO RESET IT!!! So I say, what do I do if I want to sell the car?? I can't possibly tell the prospective buyer... "well, if it won't work, let me show you how to reset it" DUH!!! Would the idiots do the same if they were reselling it???? I think not.
GRRR. End of rage. for now...
BTW: I don't want to go to work. (what's new??)
HYWWP 2/24 Challenge
Thursday, February 23, 2006
Whew... Job interview is over!!
Big exhalation!!!
So I was interviewing for a management position (ER, Step Down, ICU) at Columbia Regional. I've DONE phone interviews, but I've never been the interviewee! AND, I've also interviewed with many people before, but never on the phone. There were four, possibly five in the room. Great questions, standard type of interview.
What is cool:
They only have about a 2% staff vacancy rate (OUTSTANDING)
Low turnover
LONG retention
Three units to manage, but small units:
ER sees about 700/month (we see that in 10 days here)
ICU with 9 beds and average 4 or so (of course there is flux)
Step down with 10 beds.
Total of about 60 FTE's.... I had 54 on tele and 60+ in ER PLUS part of ICU to help with in my last management job (OK, so the ER one was only for 6 months, but still!!!)
They seem pretty friendly.
I'm not getting all my eggs in the basket or anything, but I'd sure like to have something set up. I'm just ready to move on!! LOL..... and get the garden planned ROFL!!!
We'll see... they said early next week for a decision. Hopefully they haven't really decided yet and were just interviewing me for fun. But then again, it's done, and it was good experience. I need to work on two questions: what I didn't like about my last management job (I guess I can't say that my previous boss got crazy....) and what's my 5 year plan (what is it anyway??)
So I was interviewing for a management position (ER, Step Down, ICU) at Columbia Regional. I've DONE phone interviews, but I've never been the interviewee! AND, I've also interviewed with many people before, but never on the phone. There were four, possibly five in the room. Great questions, standard type of interview.
What is cool:
They only have about a 2% staff vacancy rate (OUTSTANDING)
Low turnover
LONG retention
Three units to manage, but small units:
ER sees about 700/month (we see that in 10 days here)
ICU with 9 beds and average 4 or so (of course there is flux)
Step down with 10 beds.
Total of about 60 FTE's.... I had 54 on tele and 60+ in ER PLUS part of ICU to help with in my last management job (OK, so the ER one was only for 6 months, but still!!!)
They seem pretty friendly.
I'm not getting all my eggs in the basket or anything, but I'd sure like to have something set up. I'm just ready to move on!! LOL..... and get the garden planned ROFL!!!
We'll see... they said early next week for a decision. Hopefully they haven't really decided yet and were just interviewing me for fun. But then again, it's done, and it was good experience. I need to work on two questions: what I didn't like about my last management job (I guess I can't say that my previous boss got crazy....) and what's my 5 year plan (what is it anyway??)
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
Wednesday 2/22 HYWWP Challenge
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
WT Challenge: Child of the....
What a perfect challenge!!!
I was SO TOTALLY thinking that man... I'm so stuck in the late 80's and early 90's. Why? I was loading up all my songs on the iPod and am really not surprised to see
Alanis Morisette
James Taylor
Bruce Springsteen
Garth Brooks
Elton John
Paul Simon
The Cure
Depeche Mode
And several more that just totally SCREAM 80's and early 90's.
I love the new stuff and am really loving evolving into the world as it comes along and as I continue to change, but it's fun to look back and hold on sometimes.....
And for the second part... I have nothing really exciting right now except I got my QK today~!!!!!!!! And my first alpha (Emily LC). I can't WAIT to play!!!!!
I was SO TOTALLY thinking that man... I'm so stuck in the late 80's and early 90's. Why? I was loading up all my songs on the iPod and am really not surprised to see
Alanis Morisette
James Taylor
Bruce Springsteen
Garth Brooks
Elton John
Paul Simon
The Cure
Depeche Mode
And several more that just totally SCREAM 80's and early 90's.
I love the new stuff and am really loving evolving into the world as it comes along and as I continue to change, but it's fun to look back and hold on sometimes.....
And for the second part... I have nothing really exciting right now except I got my QK today~!!!!!!!! And my first alpha (Emily LC). I can't WAIT to play!!!!!
My new TOY!!!
I finally got one!! I got an iPod..... it's just the little Shuffle, but man is it cool!!!!!
We went to Circut City last night for some ink and I wandered over to look at them... they were on sale! WOO HOO!! I talked myself into it. I just finished almost filling it up... have probably about 20 more songs I can put on there. It was SO FUN to go through my CD's and pick songs... then I went to the iTunes site and picked up four brand spanking new songs.....
For as much as I love music, I really don't have that much. And certainly nothing too current. Plus, I'm starting to get into country and only have like 2 CDs.... not much. So I picked up some songs. How stinkin cool is that?!?!? I've been jamming all morning rather than listening to the kids' DVDs and fighting.
I'm so excited... can you tell???
We went to Circut City last night for some ink and I wandered over to look at them... they were on sale! WOO HOO!! I talked myself into it. I just finished almost filling it up... have probably about 20 more songs I can put on there. It was SO FUN to go through my CD's and pick songs... then I went to the iTunes site and picked up four brand spanking new songs.....
For as much as I love music, I really don't have that much. And certainly nothing too current. Plus, I'm starting to get into country and only have like 2 CDs.... not much. So I picked up some songs. How stinkin cool is that?!?!? I've been jamming all morning rather than listening to the kids' DVDs and fighting.
I'm so excited... can you tell???
Monday, February 20, 2006
Monday HYWWP Challenge
Sunday, February 19, 2006
Work is not fun sometimes....
Whew. I'm glad it's over and I don't have to go back for another week.
I DON'T like it when I'm overwhelmed... and for me, it usually takes quite a bit. But last night did it.
OK, so Friday night I went in and looked at the staffing and out of the 5 of us overnight folks, I DIDN'T KNOW THREE!!! I know I was out sick for two weekends, but sheesh!! The good part is that the three I didn't know are strong and I had nothing at all to worry about. But, even with them being strong, it's still a lot of stress when it comes to things that they don't know about... all three aren't even from Hawaii, so they don't really have the "local" climate down.... let alone all the crazy weird things we do here that I've never done other places (like transferring everyone and their dogs to other facilities because we have no psych, OB, Peds, cath lab, thoracic, Kaiser, dialysis etc etc etc beds!!!!). But, Friday night was OK.... just normal stressful.
So I go in last night.... there's regular staff scheduled, even though we have two new grads FRESH off orientation.... one was only there till 11 so OK.... no problem
PROBLEM 1: One person calls out sick. I was told... you are getting an agency nurse that's been here before. OK. No problem. WRONG: Yes, she'd been there before, BUT she was an ICU agency nurse who had only been there for ICU HOLDS!!! Not for ER patients... very different ballgame. She was very willing to work and learn, but I still was stressing.
PROBLEM 2: One of our regular staff nurses was apparently having some kind of TIA in that she had no sense of getting anything done herself and was driving me and one of our techs nuts... I mean at one point she was just walking around in circles (literally!!) looking for a pedi cath kit... of course people are moving crap around at the drop of a hat and not POSTING it...... but still... use some critical thinking skills and go friggin look before you bother me with stupid stuff!!!
PROBLEM 3: not a major problem, but we had a doc who has only been here a few times... locums and not used to the system very well. God love her... she's wonderful to the nurses and patients but just needs a little extra TLC.
PROBLEM 4: 47 YO guy comes in sudden arrest at home. THIS HIT TOO CLOSE TO HOME. Dave's 44!!! Usually adults don't bother me too much, but this one did..... and the wailing grieving spouse almost did me in.
PROBLEM 5: Moe.... god love her too but sometimes she drives me nuts. She can be a saving grace as a supervisor, but sometimes.... grrr. Nothing blatant, but just driving us nuts (No eating... nevermind that my poor doc didn't get to pee for 8 hours!!!)
PROBLEM 6: Med error never caught on the day shift when they did chart reviews.... GRR.
PROBLEM 7: New medication dispensing system that no one knows how to use and then, I go to do count in the morning and the narc count is off in the old system... BAD off.... I call pharmacy and they are less than helpful... but finally it comes down to "why are you using that anyway?? You should NOT be using that!!" They apparently (allegedly) sent a notice to the supervisors and managers to that effect, but that was never passed along to us. You'd think that might be IMPORTANT!
So, if you are still reading...... whew. Sorry. I can't blame anyone if you aren't reading... what a painful rant!!!
I don't want to go back.
Good news is: I have an interview on Thursday for Columbia Regional for the ER/ICU manager job AND I've been playing phone/email tag with Boone Hospital Center about another interview. YEAH! I can't wait :) :) :)
OTHER GOOD STUFF: MSS had a cyber crop yesterday with GREAT GREAT Challenges that I managed to get 5 layouts done before going to work. Great thing is that Lora extended the deadline to midnight tonight before they are due!!! LOVE THIS BIG TIME!!!!! I don't get a lot of time on the weekend..... this is SO GREAT! I'll post some LO's in a little while. I need to do a couple more, but I want to go get adhesive (of course I ran out on Friday, used two way glue for all my LO's yesterday!!!!) So, I NEED TO GO TO WAL MART!!!! 4 hours left in the challenge..... I don't know if I'm gonna get anything done :(
Oh well.... done with the ranting and raving. feel better :)
I DON'T like it when I'm overwhelmed... and for me, it usually takes quite a bit. But last night did it.
OK, so Friday night I went in and looked at the staffing and out of the 5 of us overnight folks, I DIDN'T KNOW THREE!!! I know I was out sick for two weekends, but sheesh!! The good part is that the three I didn't know are strong and I had nothing at all to worry about. But, even with them being strong, it's still a lot of stress when it comes to things that they don't know about... all three aren't even from Hawaii, so they don't really have the "local" climate down.... let alone all the crazy weird things we do here that I've never done other places (like transferring everyone and their dogs to other facilities because we have no psych, OB, Peds, cath lab, thoracic, Kaiser, dialysis etc etc etc beds!!!!). But, Friday night was OK.... just normal stressful.
So I go in last night.... there's regular staff scheduled, even though we have two new grads FRESH off orientation.... one was only there till 11 so OK.... no problem
PROBLEM 1: One person calls out sick. I was told... you are getting an agency nurse that's been here before. OK. No problem. WRONG: Yes, she'd been there before, BUT she was an ICU agency nurse who had only been there for ICU HOLDS!!! Not for ER patients... very different ballgame. She was very willing to work and learn, but I still was stressing.
PROBLEM 2: One of our regular staff nurses was apparently having some kind of TIA in that she had no sense of getting anything done herself and was driving me and one of our techs nuts... I mean at one point she was just walking around in circles (literally!!) looking for a pedi cath kit... of course people are moving crap around at the drop of a hat and not POSTING it...... but still... use some critical thinking skills and go friggin look before you bother me with stupid stuff!!!
PROBLEM 3: not a major problem, but we had a doc who has only been here a few times... locums and not used to the system very well. God love her... she's wonderful to the nurses and patients but just needs a little extra TLC.
PROBLEM 4: 47 YO guy comes in sudden arrest at home. THIS HIT TOO CLOSE TO HOME. Dave's 44!!! Usually adults don't bother me too much, but this one did..... and the wailing grieving spouse almost did me in.
PROBLEM 5: Moe.... god love her too but sometimes she drives me nuts. She can be a saving grace as a supervisor, but sometimes.... grrr. Nothing blatant, but just driving us nuts (No eating... nevermind that my poor doc didn't get to pee for 8 hours!!!)
PROBLEM 6: Med error never caught on the day shift when they did chart reviews.... GRR.
PROBLEM 7: New medication dispensing system that no one knows how to use and then, I go to do count in the morning and the narc count is off in the old system... BAD off.... I call pharmacy and they are less than helpful... but finally it comes down to "why are you using that anyway?? You should NOT be using that!!" They apparently (allegedly) sent a notice to the supervisors and managers to that effect, but that was never passed along to us. You'd think that might be IMPORTANT!
So, if you are still reading...... whew. Sorry. I can't blame anyone if you aren't reading... what a painful rant!!!
I don't want to go back.
Good news is: I have an interview on Thursday for Columbia Regional for the ER/ICU manager job AND I've been playing phone/email tag with Boone Hospital Center about another interview. YEAH! I can't wait :) :) :)
OTHER GOOD STUFF: MSS had a cyber crop yesterday with GREAT GREAT Challenges that I managed to get 5 layouts done before going to work. Great thing is that Lora extended the deadline to midnight tonight before they are due!!! LOVE THIS BIG TIME!!!!! I don't get a lot of time on the weekend..... this is SO GREAT! I'll post some LO's in a little while. I need to do a couple more, but I want to go get adhesive (of course I ran out on Friday, used two way glue for all my LO's yesterday!!!!) So, I NEED TO GO TO WAL MART!!!! 4 hours left in the challenge..... I don't know if I'm gonna get anything done :(
Oh well.... done with the ranting and raving. feel better :)
Thursday, February 16, 2006
Found the COOLEST Site
For those of you who are readers, like me, but just hate spending the money then eventually getting rid of the books (But are WAY too lazy to use the library!)... I was told about this site: You list your books, pick what you want and swap..... there are a GAZILLION books listed! And I listed some of my books from school that I wouldn't possibly want again.... boom.... within an hour someone picked them up!!! Out of the 10 books I listed, 5 are already gone! All you have to do is pay postage (media mail... about 1.50-2 bucks each or so) and you get credit..... then you get a new book to read. Much better than the 6-8 bucks they cost.
I think I'm addicted already!
I think I'm addicted already!
Friday HYWWP Challenge
What is normal?
Ok.... So it's 9 am....
The kitchen floor is as clean as it's gonna get. I HATE this house.... it never gets clean no matter how much I scrub. I'm tired of the ants. I'm tired of scrubbing black crap off the kids' feet every hour.
I'm not Ms. Clean anyway, but I do like things tidy-ish. It's hard to even do that in this house. I just want to go to our beautiful house in Missouri, move in and start again. I don't want to move to yet another military home (ours is going to be torn down so they are going to move us to another one...yee haw) to start over again on this nonsense. Besides, despite all the pain this one is causing, it's the only one with the layout we need for the dogs and the GYM!
I say, let me and the kids go to Missouri, Dave can stay here and put his gym in the living room for all I care! GRRRR!!!
Anyways.... you'd think I didn't sleep again, but alas, I did!!! Emily stayed in bed all night alone :) :) :) YEAH!! Miracles do happen.
So, I'll stop being grouchy, finish getting ready for the day, and make a list of things to do :)
Here's two pics of the house in Missouri....

The kitchen floor is as clean as it's gonna get. I HATE this house.... it never gets clean no matter how much I scrub. I'm tired of the ants. I'm tired of scrubbing black crap off the kids' feet every hour.
I'm not Ms. Clean anyway, but I do like things tidy-ish. It's hard to even do that in this house. I just want to go to our beautiful house in Missouri, move in and start again. I don't want to move to yet another military home (ours is going to be torn down so they are going to move us to another one...yee haw) to start over again on this nonsense. Besides, despite all the pain this one is causing, it's the only one with the layout we need for the dogs and the GYM!
I say, let me and the kids go to Missouri, Dave can stay here and put his gym in the living room for all I care! GRRRR!!!
Anyways.... you'd think I didn't sleep again, but alas, I did!!! Emily stayed in bed all night alone :) :) :) YEAH!! Miracles do happen.
So, I'll stop being grouchy, finish getting ready for the day, and make a list of things to do :)
Here's two pics of the house in Missouri....

Today's Challenge for HYWWP

OK... So I'm on the DT at Have Your Way with Paper.... I'm sponsoring a challenge three times a week, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
Today's challenge is a technique challenge (Wednesday is tools, techniques and themes)
Today is color blocking.
Here's my inspiration LO.... very plain, but gets the point across. It's also one of few entries into my all about me album.
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
Here goes....
OK.... so I'm a blogger now.
Let's see if I can keep it up.
Who knows...........
More about me later... but the basics:
33 almost 34
Mom to Nathan who is almost 3 and Emily who is 16 months
Wife to Dave for 7 years
Nurse for over 10 years now, specializing in critical care/emergency.
Now, I work 2 nights a week and stay home with the kids. Not something I thought I would be doing.
Got my Master's degree in 2002.... haven't really used it.
Started my PhD program this last year.... dropped out because the program STUNK.
AVID scrapper.... ok, maybe I'm a bit addicted, but that's OK.
No other life to speak of........
We live in Honolulu right now, can't wait to move to our house in Missouri......more later about all that.
ANYHOO... time to check on the food and see if Dave is going to grace us with his presence before 6 or not.... We'll see. More later.
Let's see if I can keep it up.
Who knows...........
More about me later... but the basics:
33 almost 34
Mom to Nathan who is almost 3 and Emily who is 16 months
Wife to Dave for 7 years
Nurse for over 10 years now, specializing in critical care/emergency.
Now, I work 2 nights a week and stay home with the kids. Not something I thought I would be doing.
Got my Master's degree in 2002.... haven't really used it.
Started my PhD program this last year.... dropped out because the program STUNK.
AVID scrapper.... ok, maybe I'm a bit addicted, but that's OK.
No other life to speak of........
We live in Honolulu right now, can't wait to move to our house in Missouri......more later about all that.
ANYHOO... time to check on the food and see if Dave is going to grace us with his presence before 6 or not.... We'll see. More later.
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