Friday, April 28, 2006

Sick Day

So, I've worked a grand total of four days and have to take a sick day.

WHAT A LOSER!! But, I have no other options. Emmie got a fever in daycare yesterday and they won't let her back until Monday (24 hours). She really did have a fever yesterday and she was just laying in one of the infant bouncers sucking her thumb when I picked her up. POOR BABY!!!!!! She is NEVER like that... so I know she didn't feel well. BUT, about 45 minutes after her motrin and juice, she was NORMAL (ok, granted, her nose has been running off her face for days, but that's not new) and today, she's all over the place. I was afraid I'd have to take her to a doc's office with only Tricare insurance (i.e. they won't pay).

I just feel like the girls at work will be disappointed (as I would if I were in their shoes). I know they understand, but timing is BAD. And I really think I'm going to like this job. So, hopefully, this will be it for a long time. GRRRR!

Anyhoo.... enough whining... I guess I should use this time for good... the linens should probably be washed... not like I have nothing to do around here :)

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