Monday, March 05, 2007

Blog Challenge: Scrappin' Mojo

First.... thanks to Corrina for comin' up with this idea... AWESOME

So... blog challenge... FOOD

About food.... I LOVE FOOD. And I hate it. I think that most women who have had kids go through this... but I was sorta in this battle before kids too. I eat eat eat and don't exercise. I'm hungry even when I'm not. I hate that I can't wear anything I want because it looks like crap on me..... I hate the lumps. But I love food..... weird thing though is that I don't really like to cook. Part of me wonders if I liked to cook, would I like to eat healthier?? And I KNOW HOW to cook, and I know HOW to eat healthy, but I don't. I make bad choices and I eat way too much. Boy, this is sure turning into an emotional ramble..... Just like I tell my patients who are "noncompliant" with stopping smoking or eating right.... THEY have to make the decision... no one will do it for them... DUH...... I HAVE to........... I want to be around for my kids.... I want to be able to get on the stinkin' floor and play cars and be able to get right back up without hurting..... I'm beginning to notice these things. And my joints hurt... now in all fairness, they always have hurt, but I think it's much worse now that I'm so heavy. I want to be able to wear a size 12. I would LOVE to be saving for a tummy tuck, rather than lamenting my food choices. When will I decide to make better choices? huh? Maybe if I set a date.... like the first day I start my "new" job... March 26th.... birthday week too...... I need to exercise.... I need to eat right.... I need to eat in moderation. That's my D day..... I have time to plan and relax.... it's not tomorrow, so I can look ahead with calm.........

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OMGoodness!!!! I think you read my mind! This is me exactly! Food is a never ending roller coaster!

Thanks for taking the challenge.