Here's my FH2S challenge question: What's the last movie you saw in the theater?
Well, for us (funny how me goes away when you have kids), it was Ice Age 2. We loved it and Nathan was VERY entranced. I swear, give that kid a new movie and a bucket of popcorn and he's in his seat for the whole thing! But, that's really the first one we've been to. Before that, we went to March of the Penguins (mommy made a big mistake.... not good for kids! They were all over by the first 10 minutes!). And before that........ well, suffice to say that Nathan was less than 6 months old (he's 3 yrs/2 months right now) and we went to see Bad Santa.
Some day, I'll get to see a movie made for adults again with NO children..........
Monday, June 12, 2006
Thursday, June 08, 2006
FH2S Blog challenge and other tidbits....
Food!!! This is near and dear to my heart.... and very much on my mind lately. But I won't go into the entire psychodrama of my relationship with food... just my loves/hates:
LOVE: Chocolate (but not crazy type.... just one of my faves), anything fried, green beans, beef and noodles, meatloaf, grilled BBQ chicken breasts, Life cereal or sugar puffs.
Not a fan: Some fish... HATE cooking it, beets, minute rice (I really much prefer regular rice... nice and stout, not quite sticky, but stuck together), don't like flavored creamers or flavored coffee, Grape nuts (ick!), hmmm.... what else?
Anyways... that's it for the blog challenge.
I got on the treadmill today!! YEAH!!! One down... and my legs are GOING to hurt tomorrow!
LOVE: Chocolate (but not crazy type.... just one of my faves), anything fried, green beans, beef and noodles, meatloaf, grilled BBQ chicken breasts, Life cereal or sugar puffs.
Not a fan: Some fish... HATE cooking it, beets, minute rice (I really much prefer regular rice... nice and stout, not quite sticky, but stuck together), don't like flavored creamers or flavored coffee, Grape nuts (ick!), hmmm.... what else?
Anyways... that's it for the blog challenge.
I got on the treadmill today!! YEAH!!! One down... and my legs are GOING to hurt tomorrow!
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
He's off again....
Well, Dave left about an hour ago for KC... my folks are taking him so he's driving to Boonville and going from there. I'm sad that he had to leave so early, but he made his reservations. Now, of course, I can't get back to sleep.
Honestly, it wasn't that great of a visit. I guess I'm not in the best of moods anyways.. .that time of the month..... but it seems like everything I say goes in one ear and out the other. Last night, he had the kids out at the big play slide/fort thing. I SPECIFICALLY told him to keep a close eye on Emily because she likes to climb the 7 foot ladder and then gets to the top and wants to step down. I look out and he and Dave are looking off into the trees about 20 feet away and Em is on the LADDER!!! I almost had a heart attack! Steven fell off that ladder a few weeks ago and I'm scared! DUH.
Besides that, I specifically asked him to do the trimming and to NOT mow the grass... I can do that easily and Kristen is coming to babysit on Saturday. I have trouble managing the trimmer in the ditch by the mailbox and on the other end. I don't think he did it at all. I also specifically asked him to move the big things that I pulled out of the garden to behind the shed so I could mow and clean out that end of the garden. I HIGHLY doubt he did that either. But, of course he did mow... and of course he spent literally at least 7 hours doing it and didn't finish. So now, I have a yard that's 3/4 mowed, not trimmed and has big piles of clippings pushed next to the trees (Not attractive).
Plus, I came home Monday and he was outside mowing while the kids were napping (AT 5 PM!!) First, how's he gonna hear them? Second... we get up by 6:30 and have to be out the door quickly..... ya think they are going to be going to bed on time if they are still napping that late???? In addition, he had to tell me how he cleaned the whole house. Wait... duh, I cleaned it on Thursday evening. And he had to tell me how he had to wash all the kids' clothes..... well, sorta..... Nathan is still learning about #2 and using the potty, so he was out of undies... but I washed all the clothes on Thursday night.... he could have done a small load with undies and a couple of things... but "I had to wash all the kids clothes". Then, I ask him what he'd like to do about dinner on Mon night... thinking maybe he might throw something together (even a stinkin sandwich)... no reply. Then he went to the gas station to get gas for the mower.... (by the way, I asked him to get me a FOUNTAIN diet pepsi... he brings he a bottle....) And he never comes in!!! I ended up fixing dinner then had to run to WM to get diapers because apparently when there are only two in the cabinet I must be hiding them somewhere and it's not important.
I wonder if this is going to work. It won't work if this kind of stuff keeps happening. And he asked me several times about things I KNOW I told him about on the phone... why do I bother... he apparently either doesn't care enough or doesn't pay attention. I really feel ignored. I feel like he doesn't care at all about what I want, what I need, or even about the safety of our kids. I don't know what else I can do to let him know what I want and need... all of these things were things I said to him directly and he ignored me. This doesn't even go into things like possibly OFFERING for me to go out alone or do something by myself while he's here so I can have some time off.....I had to just go do that and WOO HOO, I got my hair cut and went to the grocery store. I want to be sad that he's leaving, but I'm relieved right now. And he was only here for four days....
Honestly, it wasn't that great of a visit. I guess I'm not in the best of moods anyways.. .that time of the month..... but it seems like everything I say goes in one ear and out the other. Last night, he had the kids out at the big play slide/fort thing. I SPECIFICALLY told him to keep a close eye on Emily because she likes to climb the 7 foot ladder and then gets to the top and wants to step down. I look out and he and Dave are looking off into the trees about 20 feet away and Em is on the LADDER!!! I almost had a heart attack! Steven fell off that ladder a few weeks ago and I'm scared! DUH.
Besides that, I specifically asked him to do the trimming and to NOT mow the grass... I can do that easily and Kristen is coming to babysit on Saturday. I have trouble managing the trimmer in the ditch by the mailbox and on the other end. I don't think he did it at all. I also specifically asked him to move the big things that I pulled out of the garden to behind the shed so I could mow and clean out that end of the garden. I HIGHLY doubt he did that either. But, of course he did mow... and of course he spent literally at least 7 hours doing it and didn't finish. So now, I have a yard that's 3/4 mowed, not trimmed and has big piles of clippings pushed next to the trees (Not attractive).
Plus, I came home Monday and he was outside mowing while the kids were napping (AT 5 PM!!) First, how's he gonna hear them? Second... we get up by 6:30 and have to be out the door quickly..... ya think they are going to be going to bed on time if they are still napping that late???? In addition, he had to tell me how he cleaned the whole house. Wait... duh, I cleaned it on Thursday evening. And he had to tell me how he had to wash all the kids' clothes..... well, sorta..... Nathan is still learning about #2 and using the potty, so he was out of undies... but I washed all the clothes on Thursday night.... he could have done a small load with undies and a couple of things... but "I had to wash all the kids clothes". Then, I ask him what he'd like to do about dinner on Mon night... thinking maybe he might throw something together (even a stinkin sandwich)... no reply. Then he went to the gas station to get gas for the mower.... (by the way, I asked him to get me a FOUNTAIN diet pepsi... he brings he a bottle....) And he never comes in!!! I ended up fixing dinner then had to run to WM to get diapers because apparently when there are only two in the cabinet I must be hiding them somewhere and it's not important.
I wonder if this is going to work. It won't work if this kind of stuff keeps happening. And he asked me several times about things I KNOW I told him about on the phone... why do I bother... he apparently either doesn't care enough or doesn't pay attention. I really feel ignored. I feel like he doesn't care at all about what I want, what I need, or even about the safety of our kids. I don't know what else I can do to let him know what I want and need... all of these things were things I said to him directly and he ignored me. This doesn't even go into things like possibly OFFERING for me to go out alone or do something by myself while he's here so I can have some time off.....I had to just go do that and WOO HOO, I got my hair cut and went to the grocery store. I want to be sad that he's leaving, but I'm relieved right now. And he was only here for four days....
Monday, June 05, 2006
Weekend review and blog challenge
What a wonderful weekend! I really can't wait until Dave is home... it's so much easier with him around.... even if the kids are used to running to me! He's trying so hard though to get them to rely on him for a little while anyways. And I had a little peace too. I got my hair cut (FINALLY!) and created 4 layouts with very little help.... I even layed down a couple of times (those both got interrupted, but you know...). And this morning, I have EXTRA time :) :) :) He's going to watch them today and I don't have to get them up and ready! I'm feeling very relaxed. Beyond that, we didn't do much.... but it feels great!
OK... my FH2S blog challenge: What does scrapping mean to me?
Right now, I scrap for my kids and the future, but it really means that I have something besides my jobs in my life. I spend most of my time worrying about the kids (job #1), the DH (job #2), and work (job #3). Whether it's getting things done around the house, paying bills, actually working in any way, shape, or form.... it's wearing sometimes. Scrapping is my sanctuary. It's where I go for ME..... and I admit, I spend a lot of time with it in many shapes, but really, I don't do much else. And, now that there's only one TV in the house, I've weaned myself considerably. I love the inspiration, I love finding new ways to display my beautiful family, and I love getting things on paper for the future..... I'd hate for my kids or grandkids to pick up a picture (or in this day, a CD) and ask "who's that" and "what were they doing"..... but I'm not driven by that. I'm driven by wanting to have time for me :)
Here's two LO's I did over the weekend. The first one is a two pager... I'll just put the one page here though :) These were both for HYWWP challenges using KI Memories products... thanks to them for sponsoring us!!

OK... my FH2S blog challenge: What does scrapping mean to me?
Right now, I scrap for my kids and the future, but it really means that I have something besides my jobs in my life. I spend most of my time worrying about the kids (job #1), the DH (job #2), and work (job #3). Whether it's getting things done around the house, paying bills, actually working in any way, shape, or form.... it's wearing sometimes. Scrapping is my sanctuary. It's where I go for ME..... and I admit, I spend a lot of time with it in many shapes, but really, I don't do much else. And, now that there's only one TV in the house, I've weaned myself considerably. I love the inspiration, I love finding new ways to display my beautiful family, and I love getting things on paper for the future..... I'd hate for my kids or grandkids to pick up a picture (or in this day, a CD) and ask "who's that" and "what were they doing"..... but I'm not driven by that. I'm driven by wanting to have time for me :)
Here's two LO's I did over the weekend. The first one is a two pager... I'll just put the one page here though :) These were both for HYWWP challenges using KI Memories products... thanks to them for sponsoring us!!

Thursday, June 01, 2006
Can't believe it's JUNE!!!
And there's so much going on!!!
Here's my VERY FIRST blog challenge for FH2S: The topic is memories of school getting out and summers:
Well, I don't remember a whole bunch about school getting out or summer or anything like that. I was a big fan of school and just loved going most of the time, so I never really was real anxious for school to end (now my mom may tell ya different). But, I do remember being excited because it was a change and we could do things at home. It seemed like that most summers I remember, we spent traveling with my sister's softball teams for tournaments. Later, I didn't go with them and the family, but had a job. I remember the summer after I turned 16. I SO wanted to work. Mom and dad weren't keen on it but decided it was OK. I got a summer job helping at a Montessori preschool as a classroom aide. I don't remember much about the details, but it doesn't seem like I worked there very long. But, that summer, I also started working as a food server at Pizza Hut... then I trained as a cook. That became a LONG standing thing and worked there off and on until I graduated from college.... at several different stores. More about that later. ANYWAYS... back to the summer thing. I do remember going to band camp one year at Drake University and to church camp a couple of summers when I was younger, but nothing really exciting besides that. I know that I was always ready for school to start back and in HS, I would actually be there 2-3 weeks early for marching band practice/camp.
OK... since I'm here.... other things going on:
1. Dave's coming tomorrow!! I just found out yesterday that I have a "leadership training" meeting from 8-1230 tomorrow... UGH! That means that I may not get out early if my ducks aren't in a row!! I THINK it'll be OK, but who knows? We're just excited to see daddy!
2. New challenges at HYWWP: I'm going to post once a week on Thursday and others at other times. YEAH! This week's challenge is NO FLOWERS!!!! This WILL be a challenge for me, but I will get it done!!
3. My new position at FH2S starts officially today!!! YEAH!!! I'm very very excited and Pam and Wendi and Kim are SO VERY organized and I really feel like I know what's going on. I'm going to be posting a daily quote and moderating one more forum plus doing one challenge a week (I'll wait until it's posted for everyone and then spill the beans!!) FUN huh????
Enough blabbering.... more later
Here's my VERY FIRST blog challenge for FH2S: The topic is memories of school getting out and summers:
Well, I don't remember a whole bunch about school getting out or summer or anything like that. I was a big fan of school and just loved going most of the time, so I never really was real anxious for school to end (now my mom may tell ya different). But, I do remember being excited because it was a change and we could do things at home. It seemed like that most summers I remember, we spent traveling with my sister's softball teams for tournaments. Later, I didn't go with them and the family, but had a job. I remember the summer after I turned 16. I SO wanted to work. Mom and dad weren't keen on it but decided it was OK. I got a summer job helping at a Montessori preschool as a classroom aide. I don't remember much about the details, but it doesn't seem like I worked there very long. But, that summer, I also started working as a food server at Pizza Hut... then I trained as a cook. That became a LONG standing thing and worked there off and on until I graduated from college.... at several different stores. More about that later. ANYWAYS... back to the summer thing. I do remember going to band camp one year at Drake University and to church camp a couple of summers when I was younger, but nothing really exciting besides that. I know that I was always ready for school to start back and in HS, I would actually be there 2-3 weeks early for marching band practice/camp.
OK... since I'm here.... other things going on:
1. Dave's coming tomorrow!! I just found out yesterday that I have a "leadership training" meeting from 8-1230 tomorrow... UGH! That means that I may not get out early if my ducks aren't in a row!! I THINK it'll be OK, but who knows? We're just excited to see daddy!
2. New challenges at HYWWP: I'm going to post once a week on Thursday and others at other times. YEAH! This week's challenge is NO FLOWERS!!!! This WILL be a challenge for me, but I will get it done!!
3. My new position at FH2S starts officially today!!! YEAH!!! I'm very very excited and Pam and Wendi and Kim are SO VERY organized and I really feel like I know what's going on. I'm going to be posting a daily quote and moderating one more forum plus doing one challenge a week (I'll wait until it's posted for everyone and then spill the beans!!) FUN huh????
Enough blabbering.... more later
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