Oh how FUN!!! I finally got to play with the first kit from Wacky Scrap Designs.... YUMMO!!! LOVE LOVE the bright colors... and this is just my first creation! Look out for more soon.. and check her out at : www.digiscrapdesign.com .... the grand opening begins today, but there's some technical issues.... so be patient, and check back in often!
39 year old
Mom to Nathan who is 8 and Emily who is 6 1/2 Wife to Dave for 12 1/2 years
Nurse for about 15 years. I'm working full time at a local hospital in clinical quality and patient safety. I'm a PhD student. I'm an online facilitator..... And my laundry is never done.
On the fun side... I'm addicted to scrapbooking! Scrapping keeps my sanity and is a great way for me to not only save my memories for the future but to express myself creatively.